September 15, 2024 | 10:40 AM
Sunday Worship Service
Call to Worship
Psalm 18:1-3
Worship through Music
In Christ Alone (Hymns Modern & Ancient #62)
The Solid Rock (Majesty Hymns #411)
Welcome, Scripture Reading & Prayer
Ephesians 2:12-22
Worship through Music
Nothing but the Blood (Majesty Hymns #252)
My Heart Is Filled with Thankfulness (Majesty Hymns #)
Prepared Music
Living Hope - Choir
Prayer & Offertory
Crown Him with Many Crowns - Marcia Rygh
There is NO Junior Church this morning.
Pastor Joe Boulanger
Worship through Music
Yet Not I, but through Christ in Me (v. 1-3)
Closing Song
Yet Not I, but through Christ in Me (v. 4)
Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) Classes
3rd Quarter - July, August, September
We have individual ABF classes at 9:30–10:20am. Class teachers, topics and locations are listed below.
Teens Class - Building A, Youth Room
Topic: The book of James - Practical Christianity
Teacher: Jason Kokenzie
College and Career Class - Building C, Lunchroom
Topic: Conscience - What is it, how to train it, and loving those who differ
Teachers: Dan Totten
20's and 30's Class - Building C, Lunchroom
Topic: Conscience - What is it, how to train it, and loving those who differ
Teachers: Dan Totten
30's and 40's Class - Building C, Lunchroom
Topic: Conscience - What is it, how to train it, and loving those who differ
Teachers: Dan Totten
40's and 50's Class - Building C, Lunchroom
Topic: Conscience - What is it, how to train it, and loving those who differ
Teachers: Dan Totten
SAM Class (Senior Adult Ministry, 60's & up) - Building C, Lunchroom
Topic: Conscience - What is it, how to train it, and loving those who differ
Teachers: Dan Totten
Ladies Class - Building C, Lunchroom
Topic: Conscience - What is it, how to train it, and loving those who differ
Teachers: Dan Totten
Kids' Sunday School Classes
Kids' Sunday school classes meet at 9:30–10:20am. Age breakdown and locations are listed below.
3–4 Year Olds – Building A, Children's Ministry Room
Carrie Cook
K5–2nd Grade – Building B, #107
Steve and Sherry Phillips
3rd–6th Grade – Building B, #108
Collin and Sidney Rygh
Upcoming Events
Forever Be Sure Concert
Sunday, September 15 at 6:30pm
- Date: Sunday, September 15
- Time: 6:30pm
- Location: Auditorium (Building A)
- A dessert reception will follow the concert.
- We are excited to have the Forever Be Sure music ministry team return for another concert. If you would like to know more about the ministry, you may visit the website: CLICK HERE
- Here are some samples of their music: SHAPER OF THE DUST // AN ANCHOR THAT KEEPS THE SOUL // UNDER YOUR WINGS // THE FOUNT
SAM Lunch
Thursday, September 19
- Date: Thursday, September 19
- Time: 11:30am
- Location: The Diner at Webb Gin (1350 Scenic Hwy N, STE 900, Snellville)
- If you are age 55 and up, you are invited to join the Senior Adult Ministry lunch! Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend.
LIFE Ministry - Ice Cream Sundae & Board Game Night
Thursday, September 19
- Date: Thursday, September 19
- Time: 7:00pm
- Location: Marcia Rygh's home (address posted on "Hill Happenings" board in the foyer)
- Ladies age 16 and up are invited to an enjoyable night of ice cream, board games, and fellowship! If you plan to attend, please sign up on the sheet in the foyer. If you would like to bring a topping for the ice cream and/or a board game, you may indicate it on the signup sheet.
Baby Shower for Jackie Bramblett and Baby Boy
Saturday, October 5
*Given by Angela Parry and Lori Bramblett
- Angela Parry and Lori Bramblett are throwing a baby shower for Jackie Bramblett, and they would like to extend an invitation to the ladies of the church.
- Date: Saturday, October 5
- Time: Drop-in from 11:00am to 1:00pm
- Location: 1530 Highland Creek Drive, Monroe
- RSVP: 303-941-6403
- Registry:
KHBC Fall Picnic - Save the Date!
Sunday, October 20
- Date: Sunday, October 20
- Time: 4:00 - 7:00pm
- Location: Field House and Athletic Field
More details to come!
Baby Dedications - To all our parents of young children:
- If you have recently (or even within the past few years) welcomed a little bundle of joy into the world and would like to schedule a baby dedication for one of our upcoming morning services, please contact the church office. "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." (Psalm 127:3) We would love to rejoice with you as a church family and have a time of prayer for you and your little one!
Community Groups
- Our main intention for these groups is to promote deeper friendships within our church. These groups meet once a month.
How to Sign Up: If you would like to be added to a group or change from your current group, please contact the church office ( or sign up in the church foyer.
Ministry Opportunities
How Can You Get Involved?
Nursery Worker Openings
- Nursery is provided for babies and toddlers (up to 35 months old) on Sundays and Wednesdays. If you are interested, please see Angela Parry (678-227-2538).*A background check and Ministry Safe certification training will be required for all workers.
- Current Needs during Sunday School/ABF:
- 1 Worker - 2nd Sunday of each month – babies/toddlers, 9:20-10:30am
- Current Needs during Sunday Worship Service:
- 1 Worker - 1st Sunday of each month - toddlers, 10:30am-12:00pm
- 1 Worker - 4th Sunday of each month - toddlers, 10:30am-12:00pm
- 1 Worker - 5th Sunday of each month - babies, 10:30am-12:00pm
- Current Needs during Wednesday/Midweek Bible Study:
- 1 Worker - 1st Wednesday of each month - babies/toddlers, 6:50-8:15pm
- 1 Worker - 1st Wednesday of each month - babies/toddlers, 6:50-8:15pm
Children’s Church Worker Openings
- Children’s Church is for children age 3 – Kindergarten and meets each Sunday morning during the morning Worship Service, 10:40am – 12:00pm. The lead worker will teach a brief lesson and all workers will supervise and assist the kids during other activities (coloring, singing, bathroom break, snack break, playtime, etc.). If you are interested, please see Lauren Boulanger ( *A background check and Ministry Safe certification training will be required for all workers.
- Current Needs:
- 1 Lead Worker to teach 1 Sunday per month (2 teen workers are already assigned to help you).
- Substitute Workers are always needed to help fill in when other workers are sick or out of town.
Junior Church Worker Openings
- Junior Church is for children in 1st-4th grade. It meets in the parlor each Sunday morning during the sermon-portion of the worship service (children are dismissed from the worship service just before the sermon). The lead worker will teach a brief lesson and all workers will supervise and assist the kids. If you are interested, please see Lauren Boulanger (*A background check and Ministry Safe certification training will be required for all workers.
- Current Needs:
- 2 Lead Workers to teach 1 Sunday every other month.
- 2 Workers to assist 1 Sunday every other month.
- Substitute Workers are always needed to help fill in when other workers are sick or out of town.
Information from the Business Office
- Giving Envelopes: There are generic giving envelopes available for your use in 2024. If you need more envelopes, please stop by the welcome center in the church foyer and pick up another bundle of envelopes.
- Contribution Statement: Year-end giving statements were emailed in January. If you like, you can access your own giving statement in an electronic or printed format. Please review the following video on how to obtain your own report.
- Online Giving: You may give online to the general fund (this supports all our ministries) and to certain designated funds (i.e., building, benevolence) with ease of recurrence and to avoid writing checks. The church office can establish your Breeze account and help you with logging in. All your giving can be seen at any time through the Breeze app or online with your Breeze account. We hope you take advantage of this platform.
- General Fund Giving: General Fund giving goes to support the overall ministry and missions budget.
Midweek Service and Ministries -
Wednesday, September 18
- The Junior Choir will practice on Wednesday, September 18 at 6:30pm.
Location: Room D-#102 (Building D)
Leaders: Pastor Seth and Deanna Peterson
Junior Choir is for kids in 1st-6th grade. They will practice most Wednesdays during the months of September through May.
- The Youth Group will meet on Wednesday, September 18 at 6:35pm.
Youth Group is for grades 7-12 and meets most Wednesdays at 6:35pm on the soccer field (weather-permitting) and the Youth Room.
- AWANA Clubs will meet on Wednesday, September 18 at 6:55pm for PARENT NIGHT!!
AWANA Clubs are for kids age 3 years old through 6th grade. Kids ages 3-4 may be dropped off and picked up in the Children's Ministry Room (Building A, upper level). Kids in K5-6th grade may be dropped off and picked up in the gym (Building D). AWANA Clubs meet most Wednesdays during the months of September through May. For more information and registration, please visit our AWANA page on our website by CLICKING HERE.
- Midweek Bible Study & Prayer Meeting will meet on Wednesday, September 18 at 7:00pm in the Parlor.
Midweek Bible Study & Prayer Meeting meets most Wednesdays in the parlor (building A).
- The Church Choir will rehearse on Wednesday, September 18 at 8:15pm in the auditorium.