Stay up to date with the KHBC app
Now you can easily access all things KHBC through our app. Simply click the links below to download the app. Then follow the instructions to get connected, search "Killian Hill Baptist Church" in the "Let's Find Your Church" field. Listen to sermons, stay up to date on events, access the church directory, give and manage your groups all through the app.
Apple App Store (IOS) -
Google Play Story -
How do I access the app?
- Step 1: Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, look for My Church by ChurchSpring, and download the app. It looks like this:
- Step 2: Once you download the app into your phone and open it, you will see a description of the app. Click the black "Continue" button and type in your church name in the search function.
- Step 3: From the listing, select your church by tapping on it. Tap the black "Continue" button to open your church app. The menu area on the left of the screen will allow you to log in to your church directory.